
How does Sliabh Bawn Power DAC (SBPD) protect the local environment?

Ireland is moving toward a greener, more sustainable future based on reduced fossil fuel imports, lower CO² emissions and enhanced energy security.

Sliabh Bawn Power DAC ensures that our wind farm project conforms to all statutory requirements and best practice guidelines in relation to environmental protection.

The planning permission granted by An Bord Pleanála (ABP) in March 2012 requires that Sliabh Bawn Power DAC construct and operate the Sliabh Bawn Wind Farm in accordance with a number of planning conditions.

This is to protect the environment, including the community, throughout all stages, from construction, to commissioning and operation of the wind farm.

Turbine Locations and Setback

The turbine locations were carefully selected and distributed across the mountain to minimise any potential impact on residential properties. All turbines within the development are set back from houses by a distance greater than 700 metres which is well in excess of the recommended national guidelines for wind energy development.

The Sliabh Bawn Wind Farm comprises 20 X 3.2MW turbines. The project has a maximum export capacity of 58 MW.

A substation was also constructed at the north eastern end of the site and the wind farm connects into the existing 110kV power line which crossed the site.

Noise and Shadow Flicker

Advances in modern turbine technology have resulted in quieter turbines with lower noise emissions. As part of the environmental studies completed for the project, noise levels were modelled and assessed from a range of locations around the site under different conditions to ensure that it remains within the limits set out in the planning permission.

Similarly, shadow flicker has also been modelled and studied to ensure that it remains within the limits set out in the planning permission and Sliabh Bawn Power DAC will continuously monitor the situation to ensure that it does not adversely impact upon surrounding dwellings.

Under the Sliabh Bawn Windfarm planning permission granted in March 2012 SBPD were obligated to complete and submit a noise monitoring report to the relevant statutory authorities, in this case Roscommon County Council. The post commissioning noise compliance monitoring report was submitted to Roscommon County Council on 15th January, 2018 in accordance with Planning Condition 8 of ABP PL 20.239743 and RCC REF. PD10/507, for their review. On foot of this submission the county council carried out their own independent noise monitoring survey on the site. On 17th August 2018  the county council planning office confirmed that the development is operating in compliance with the conditions set in the original Grant of Permission. A copy of the official letter can be found on the county council public website.