Community Benefit


Sliabh Bawn DAC commit to:

    • Always being open and communicating proactively with the local community throughout the project and responding to community needs.
    • Improving local amenity and recreation for all visitors to Sliabh Bawn.
    • Protection of the natural environment with careful management of replanted trees replacing those removed during construction.
    • Supporting local community projects via the Sliabh Bawn Community Fund.

Sliabh Bawn DAC Community Benefit Fund

The 2023 Sliabh Bawn Community Benefit Fund (the “Fund”) is now closed for applications. 

The Fund provides support to the cumulative value of €2 million for the operational lifetime- of the wind farm, and seeks to prioritise projects and initiatives that support and benefit the area surrounding Sliabh Bawn Wind Farm by providing financial support to local groups, helping them to deliver beneficial projects and initiatives which fall within one or more of the broad themes of:

  • Recreation
  • Social Sustainability
  • Culture and Heritage
  • Environmental Sustainability
  • Tourism

The value of the fund for 2023 is €101,028.72 inclusive of indexation.

View the 2023 Sliabh Bawn Community Benefit Funding Guidelines.

The administration of the Fund changed from 2018 awards. An expanded management panel
has been established including eight local community representatives, SECAD and Sliabh
Bawn Power DAC.  This natural and timely approach was a key recommendation of a 2018
review of the fund. SECAD will continue to provide administration and governance as
before in addition to requested capacity building programs for those residents interested in
volunteering their time.

View the full details of beneficiary projects from  2015-2022

Recreation Facilities

In September 2017, the world class recreation facilities at Sliabh Bawn were publically opened. These trails provide more than 28km of way-marked trails for walking, running and horse riding. Visitor numbers have risen sharply, by more than 80% since completion, which we warmly welcome.

Facilities include;

  • Six looped, way-marked trails for walking and fitness.
  • Monastery track upgrade with new links and signage
  • Equestrian Trail – the first ever designated equestrian trail on Coillte land
  • Two km Trim Trail with outdoor exercise equipment
  • Raised viewing platform close to the summit with interpretive signage
  • Picnic Area
  • Upgraded car parking

See the Sliabh Bawn Recreation map here :

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